A long, long time ago…..In a Carribean cruise…., AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
Were those “words” invented only for the use of romance novelists? Will they just be the wrapping words of fairy tale endings? Or simply put it as an element of love stories in fiction writing?
So much issues surfaced about relationship but the scenario is still the same. Man and woman or gentleman and lady meets on an occasion. Man/woman finds the other awesome or attractive. Man/woman sends of an invitation and goes for a date. They plunge into an ecstatic relationship.
And comes along the scene, man/woman meets another of the opposite sex. Goes back to man/woman finds that new acquaintance attractive and then sends of an invitation for a date. Man or woman choses to be with the new lover, leaving the other emotionally crushed.
So many variations, yet revolves around the same script. Same script, different cast. We will just call it as the broken-heart cycle.
Most of those in despair don’t seek advice. Afraid of opening up to family members and friends as they think of being ridiculed or some other personal reasons. They resort to isolating themselves and go through sleeplessness or lock up themselves and sleep unusually very long hours. Some won’t have the inkling to eat or won’t even have the thought of eating while some would indulge in eating too much and often. Others would have alcohol and drink unmindful of tomorrow. It’s their way of healing a broken heart although most people undergoing depression are totally oblivious of a purpose in their mind as they don’t even have their thoughts organized during those times.
Ending up in turmoil after an unwanted relationship break-up is an emotional issue. It’s the emotional attachment that made you like grieving over the loss of a beloved. The deeper you are emotionally attached to your lover then the more pain it will cause you in case of a break-up.
One has two options when entering into a relationship. First is to make it a great deal. Full of ideals, a world like “I shall be Romeo and YOU be JULIET”, exchanging words like “I do everything for you”, wishing that those elating moments would never come to an end and having songs like Bon Jovi’s “Heaven“. Just in case you’d have to lose each other, you would be, from heaven thrown to hell.
Next option is to live your life as close as the life you already had prior to knowing your partner. Of course the attachment is still there as it is the major engredient of a relationship. Be true to yourself. Loving is not making yourself change for your partner. It is the other way around. Your partner would love you for the way you are. Now, in case, you result to a break-up. Ask yourself, “What had you lost”? Dignity? I hope not.
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